The Mike Kilroy Corporation


Our goal is to provide a service to our customers through quality synergistic technical sales of all our principal's state of the art motion control products, AS WELL AS provide value added distribution, panel build/design, control and system integration services

TERRITORY COVERAGE includes but not limited to:


Coverage includes the entire state.


Coverage includes the entire state.

West Virginia

Coverage includes the entire state.


Coverage includes the entire state.

W. Pennsylvania

Coverage includes western portion.


We strongly believe in ERA's Code of Ethics


Mike Kilroy

Electrical Engineering graduate of University of Dayton, 1975. Aime Certified Motion Control Specialist Engineer (CMCS). Over 36 years in technical sales and support in the motion control and process control industries. Has published various technical motion articles in the trade magazines. Active Extra Class Amateur radio operator. Email (replace the -at- with @ sign)

Vickie Kilroy

Master of Science graduate of Xavier University, Cincinnati, Ohio. Corporate Secretary Treasurer. Email (replace the -at- with @ sign)

Tony Kilroy

Office manager, order tracking, commission reconciliation, inside sales, mailings, customer support. Email (replace the -at- with @ sign)

Dennis Norton

Inside Sales Specialist. Dennis brings with him 17 years manufacturing and machinery experience including operation, maintenance, and repair in the glass and metal working production industry. His experience focused mostly on CNC based glass and metal working machines. Dennis, his wife Kristen, son Kyle 16, son Garrett 11, and daughter Savannah 8, live in the Lakengren community in Eaton, Ohio. Email (replace the -at- with @ sign)

Kent Bowser

Inside sales specialist. Kent has 36 years experience in the automotive component and systems engineering field. Kent enjoys working on vintage cars and trapshooting. Inside sales engineer. Email (replace the -at- with @ sign)

Terry Thomson, Randy Troutt

Inside application & servo/spindle repair specialists.

Chris Kilroy

Applications engineering support, including fielding technical and software related questions, field retrofit specialist. Email (replace the -at- with @ sign)

Ron Bertke

Ron has over twenty years of sales and marketing experience, with over eight years in the process control industry and twenty plus years as a designer, sales person and general manager of a family owned business. He grew up and lives in Centerville, Ohio and studied at The Ohio State University and Sinclair Community College. Ron and his wife Susan just celebrated his twenty fifth wedding anniversary in November and have two children in their twenties, Katelyn (Miami University Graduate) and Daniel (attending University of Dayton). Ron enjoys playing tennis, racquetball and ping pong as well as hiking with his dog.

Accepting Applications for

Applications & Sales engineer, including fielding technical and software related questions. Email (replace the -at- with @ sign)



Our engineers are available to help integrate our components into partial or complete turnkey systems. We specialize in the controls for machine rebuilding, upgrading, and remanufacturing. We will integrate our products into control layouts that meet the customer’s needs.


We maintain a state of the art up to date mailing list of past, present, and potential customers throughout our territory. This list of approximately 11,000 engineers, buyers, and key management personnel is keyed by both product interest and individual principals. Mailings and emailings are made to select groups of this list to introduce new products as well as remind potential customers of present products.


Our philosophy of leads follow up maximizes your advertising dollars. This is a key function of our inside sales personnel. We strive for 100% follow up, with corresponding feedback to you, our valued principal.


The Mike Kilroy Corporation advertises itself and its principals in a variety of magazines, journals, email world wide web sites, and software sourcing lists. These include among others, the ERA Locator, Industry Reporter Magazine, and the PCIM magazine motion source listings. We are members in good standing of the Electronic Representative Association (ERA). Our World Wide Web Internet homepage is available at We occasionally write technical articles for publication in technical industry journals. We advertise ourselves and our principals via search engines on the internet, which have brought us inquiries from around the world. We attend and exhibit at various industry related trade shows. Our email address is (replace the -at- with @ sign)


To support our sales and marketing efforts, we incorporate the latest computers, office equipment including copiers, scanners, and fax machines. Our fax machines include computer based and 24 hour on-line stand alone units. Our Pc servers are on a sophisticated intranet which handles word processing with dictionaries and thesaurus modules on line, database file systems of customers, leads, purchase orders, quotations, and voice mail. Our outside salespeople are connected through cell phones and laptops. We maintain contact with our customer and principals via the Internet where possible. We strive to maintain up to date working demonstration and sample equipment for our products. We use laptop computer units while demonstrating products at customer sites, as well as for multimedia presentations, and for programming assistance to customers as required to make the sale.


Cygnus, Inc. - Medina, Ohio

-------------Line coverage for Northern Ohio and Western Pa. - For various lines

Various Local integrators in your city

-------------Panel building, machine design, and consulting

The Mike Kilroy Corporation        Phones: (937)660-5313, 696-2277, 242-7004   
12360 Hemple Road                  Fax:    (937)660-5313, 558-0401,  (866)591-7580
Farmersville, OH 45325 USA (replace the -at- with @ sign)

The Mike Kilroy Corporation        Phones: (937)660-5313, 696-2277, 242-7004   
10 W Trotwood Blvd.                Fax:    (937)660-5313, 558-0401,  (866)591-7580
Trotwood, OH 45426 USA    (replace the -at- with @ sign)